
About Us

Yodat Members

Youth Development & Aids Trust; it is a non profit making organization, registered under the deeds office as a Trust, registration number MA 878/2006. It is a participatory organization in the sense that members and volunteers carry out work and engage in activities on behalf of the community and have access to and can also be involved in the democratic decision making processes and have the capacity to decide on the direction and actions of the organization through internal democracy mechanisms. The influence of the organization lies in the negative effect of the micro-economic situation in Macheke. It has left many young people further marginalized, and more desperate.

Too many of their lives are characterized by high unemployment, increasing poverty, and HIV and AIDS infection. They face daily abuses tragically, youth are often severely implicated in conflict as both perpetrators, and survivors of abuse. The general feeling they have is that of no hope, no purpose in life and therefore no self-esteem. Realizing that there is need to address the plight of the young people in our community, we took this as a challenge to found, lead and run an organization by and for youth.